
虽然许多学生来到大学寻求他们生活的方向, 另一些人则对自己的发展方向非常清楚.  

bet8体育娱乐入口学生螺旋桨俱乐部主席, Shane Athey-Strayer, has always had an affinity for the water and following a path into maritime operations happened naturally.

“我一直都是游泳运动员. 我喜欢水,游泳让我进入了海洋,他说, 他解释说这是因为他参加了游泳比赛, he was on the radar of maritime academies and started receiving recruitment material in high school.

The Propeller Club is a nonprofit professional organization that supports the national maritime community and promotes waterborne commerce. Local clubs are called 港口 and there are 52 Port chapters and 16 student Port clubs in the country. 在近30个国外城市也有国际分会.

bet8体育娱乐入口的学生螺旋桨俱乐部有一个强大的花名册, only a handful of students are currently active due to the negative impact COVID had on student clubs. 随着该大学的供应链学院的成立,这种情况可能会改变, 物流及海运业务 (SLCMO) begins to offer interdisciplinary maritime supply chain undergraduate and graduate degrees as well as graduate certificates to meet the demand for a skilled supply chain and logistics workforce.  

伊丽莎白麦克马洪, 老多明尼安海事倡议的助理副总裁, 帮助新学校取得成果, 以及其他与海事有关的项目, 活动和机会. She said this club is an important way for ODU students to learn about the regional blue economy.

“Having an on-campus ODU Student Propeller Club is crucial for connecting our students to the local maritime industry. It provides networking and mentorship opportunities that can lead and inspire students of all majors to internships and careers,”她说。. “This club provides exciting industry site 访问s and access to significant events such as 国际 Maritime Day while providing an outlet for like-minded students to connect and encourage each other in maritime pursuits."

Athey-Strayer, who will graduate in the spring with a degree in maritime and supply chain management, knew he wanted to pursue a career on the water after 访问ing a maritime academy in high school.

“我参观了缅因号训练舰. 看到这些巨大的船只真是太酷了, which are just marvels of human ingenuity and technology that carry cargo and people across the seas,这位土生土长的里士满人说.

“Then, I looked at ODU which is in the center of a lot of maritime activities,他说. “It has shipbuilding and repair companies nearby and they are dredging the harbor to make it one of the deepest on the East Coast. 所以,这个地区正在扩大,这个行业也在发展.”

Athey-Strayer said bet8体育娱乐入口 offers great maritime-related opportunities through work-study programs and internships. Last year he worked at the Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command (NAVFAC) as a civil engineer intern. 他还曾在吉文斯运输解决方案公司实习, working in the warehouse where he learned how cargo shipments are managed after they arrive in port.

刚刚过去的这个夏天, he interned at Huntington Ingalls Industries Newport 网站登录 Shipbuilding (HII-NNS) where he worked in the supply chain department as a procurement specialist, 为船厂采购材料. 同时还要上造船课, 他参加会议, 跟随一位主管参观了工厂.

当他考虑从事工程、建模和仿真方面的职业时, 他现在希望在采购和海运物流领域找到一份工作.

“我喜欢看到船开进来. 我带着我自己的小追踪器去海边看他们进来. 我在想,‘这里需要什么,那里需要什么?“计划一直是我的专长. 我喜欢计划. 我喜欢把事情弄清楚,”他说. “我想,‘我们的障碍是什么? 人们的最后期限是什么? 我们需要到达目的地? 我们的任务、目标和时间表是什么?’”

He said the Port of Norfolk’s Propeller Club was particularly gracious to sponsor ODU’s Student Propeller Club to attend National Maritime Day, 在美国.S.S. 威斯康辛州.

对于那个事件, his job was to explain to classmates that the Student Propeller Club was one of the University’s best kept secrets because of the opportunities it offers to make connections throughout the industry.

除了与麦克马洪和里卡多·翁戈教授合作之外, ODU的海事主管, 港口 & 后勤学院和学生俱乐部的指导老师, 阿西-斯特雷耶已经和黛博拉·沃特斯沟通过了, who just completed a 10-year term as chair of the operations and infrastructure committee at the Virginia Port Authority and is the current president of SCLMO’s Industry Advisory Council.

He said they are all focused on ensuring that interdisciplinary classroom learning is supplemented with practical, 实践经验.

“They are interested in getting industry folks into the classroom and they’re interested in getting the students into real-world work situations,他说.

卡米尔·克罗夫顿·切里, marketing director of the 港口mouth-based marine contractor CROFTON and the president of The Port of Norfolk Propeller Club, 最近加入了SLCMO的行业咨询委员会.

She said The Port’s club is helping ODU’s Student Propeller Club with programming, serving as a resource to connect the members to the industry to grow their professional network.

“We also offer student sponsorships for our events like mixers and the special National Maritime Day gathering in May,樱桃说. “如果学生有一个关于公司或行业的问题, 我们的俱乐部可以帮他们找到合适的人. We’re even talking about doing a resume workshop and reaching out to maritime companies to see if their human resources departments can lend a hand.”

4月, McMahon领导了ODU的第二届年度海事会议, 吸引了数百名行业专家和ODU学生, 教师, 工作人员, and local community members to learn about the latest research and projections for the blue economy. 著名的演讲嘉宾是海事管理局局长安·菲利普斯上将. Athey-Strayer said events like that are excellent ways for students to see what’s going on in the field.

“我们听取了国家海洋和大气协会发言人的意见, 英国人谈到了海上风电, and we had a Navy captain talk about war games and how they're being implemented,他说. “It was a great time for students to get involved and start networking and looking for possible job opportunities.”

要了解更多关于ODU的学生螺旋桨俱乐部,请访问 他们的网站. For maritime related information and events at ODU including next spring’s Maritime Conference, 访问 sophieboon.com/maritime.